Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Beginners Guide To Choosing A Motorcycle GPS

Beginners Guide To Choosing A Motorcycle GPS by John Tasher

So you have decided that buying a motorcycle GPS would be a great accessory for your motorcycle. Congratulations! You have made one of the smartest decisions of your life. But, now how do you decide which one to buy. There are so many different choices. Which one is better? What does it all mean? Here are a few questions to help you along in your decision making process.

Do you want to invest in a motorcycle GPS unit and its mount or do you want to purchase a handheld version that is easily portable. The answer to this question is going to depend on the answers to several of the other questions. If you are looking for the full monty of amenities then you will want a portable handheld version as thee have the most amenities.

Not all GPS devices have the same signal reception. As a rule of thumb, the more expensive the unit the better the reception it will have. This does not always hold true but it is a solid bet. Although, reception is a very important factor, so is accuracy. Do you need a device that will be accurate to a few feet or can you live with a unity that is a bit less accurate. Here again the more expensive the unit the more accurate it usually is.

If you are looking to go on long trip where you are on the road for hours at a time then the power capabilities of the GPS unit will be very important. Can the unit accept power from the bike or will it accept only batteries as a power source? How long do the batteries last? Will the unit only accept batteries from a particular battery maker? By the same token how available are the batteries. You wouldn’t want to get out in the middle of your trip and have no way to recharge the GPS unit.

Do you want a GPS unit with Bluetooth technology so that the unit can communicate directly with you. This technology is great for points of interest software. It also, enables turn by turn communication from your unit, if that is what you want. You can also have satellite communication with the system as well. This means you can call home if you have trouble or just want to check in. But, I would not let the office know your unit has this type of capability.

Last but not least, how easy is it for you to update the units software. With some GPS unite you need a PHD in Physics to do an update with others the GUI is fantastic. I hope these questions help you find the GPS unit that is right for you.

John Tasher writes on a wide variety of subjects. If you are looking for GPS For Motorcycle,or Cheap Motorcycle GPS visit

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