Thursday, November 27, 2008

Secrets of the ID Card Industry

We all carry around plastic ID cards of one type or another but most people don't know a lot about them. If you like to find out how stuff works you may wonder what ID cards are made of and how the pictures are printed on them so they don't rub off. Also, how does that black stripe on the back work? Here are some basic answers.

Card Materials

The majority of plastic cards in circulation today are made of poly vinyl chloride. PVC is the second most commonly manufactured plastic worldwide and is very cost effective to produce. The substance is made by exposing vinyl chloride to a polymerization process that allows the molecules to create long networks or chains that are very strong. The resulting powdered PVC resin is heated and rolled into sheets which are then die punched into individual cards. Pigments can be added to the mix during the heating process to create different colored cards.

Card Varieties

Layers of Mylar, paper, or adhesive may be added as a final step for use in different applications. Cards can also feature either a matte or slick finish to suit different printing styles. Composite cards have a polyester core layered between PVC sheets to give them added strength. These are more expensive than regular cards but can withstand more abuse. Earth friendly cards made of recycled PVC are now available from environmentally conscious distributors. In addition to choosing this option you can also increase sustainability by collecting your company's obsolete cards and turning them in for recycling. Just don't mix them with other types of plastic since PVC needs to undergo a different reclamation process.

Thermal Printing

The most common type of ID card printing is simple thermal transfer using some type of resin based ink. The ink coated ribbons run through a card printer and are pressed against the surface of each card or transfer sheet. The print head is heated to release the ink from the ribbon onto the printable area where it bonds tightly with the surface creating a smudge proof result. Ribbons are typically formatted in a reel to reel design and the ink is laid out in repeating segments of yellow, magenta, cyan, and black. These colors are applied in layers one after the other to create a high quality replica of a photograph or other complex image. Plain black ribbons are available for simple jobs that don't require color.

Magnetic Stripe Encoding

The black or "HiCo" magnetic stripe on the back of many cards is made of plastic with an admixture of powdered iron oxide. A powerful electromagnet locks the particles of metal in opposing orientations and varying sequences within the plastic stripe. This creates a binary code - the same type that computers use to function. When the card is swiped through a reader these particles are briefly reactivated so that the encoded information can be retrieved. "LoCo" magnet stripes that don't require a very strong magnetic field to program are also available, but this variety is more susceptible to being accidentally erased.

The 3 Best ID Card Printers for Your Business

If you know anything about ID card printers, you are already familiar with some of the top names in the industry. Datacard, Nisca, and Fargo bring an extensive array of well designed machines to the table. Today we will be looking at three specific models you should definitely investigate before you make a final procurement decision.

Datacard RP90

This equipment shows its true value when dealing with materials and applications other models can't handle. Instead of printing directly on each card, the RP90 prints images on film that can be transferred seamlessly to any surface. Using transfer film also allows you to configure the printed area around smart chips that need to remain exposed for interfacing purposes. The optional laminating feature adds an extra layer of protection and durability for frequently used cards.

This Datacard model is designed with high level security concerns in mind making it a favorite with government agencies. A particularly useful feature is available which blacks out any areas on the ribbon where text was printed off onto a card. This ensures that sensitive information can't be read on the ribbon when it is removed from the machine for disposal.

This manufacturer revolutionized the credit industry over 30 years ago by creating an inexpensive way to mass produce personalized cards for consumers. They are continuing their tradition of innovation today by incorporating technology into the RP90 that conserves laminate stock and dye during each card run.

Nisca PR5350

If you have a need for speed, the PR5350 is the card printer for you. This model has remarkable performance topping out at over 2.6 card imprints per second.

The standard features on this machine are excellent but you will find the greatest benefit in their wide range of additional options. Here are just a few:

-Smart Chip, RFID, and MagStripe technology for encoding and reading data
-Contact and contactless modules
-PR5302 addition which laminates both sides of each card for a long lasting finish
-Specially formulated UV ink that will not dry out and gum up the printhead

Nisca has introduced a number of firsts to the market including dual sided printing and self aligning printheads. They rely on R&D, engineering expertise, and customer feedback to keep the user friendly additions rolling in.

Fargo HDP5000

The HDP5000 is all about vivid image. There isn't a color you can think of that this printer can't create for you. This model doesn't just offer front and back printing - it takes it over the edge to eliminate white borders on the sides of your cards. Standard and custom holographic lamination is also available to give cards a lustrous sheen and take your marketing into the space age.

This machine weighs only 16 pounds but its performance and durability are outstanding. The unit even has a lifetime printhead warranty to prove it. The manufacturer plays it safe by providing a free cleaning roller with each printer ribbon so you won't forget to perform regular maintenance.

Fargo has now merged with HID Global Corporation. This partnership between two industry leaders brings together high quality card printing with technology such as central station managed access controllers.

Monday, November 24, 2008

How You Can Get Affiliate Marketing and Extra Income?

Affiliate Marketing is the fastest growing industry on the Internet today. Extra Income made through this channel runs into billions of dollars yearly. Many people get involved in it without a solid plan for success. Indeed, many want to earn extra income using affiliate marketing, albeit without a real base plan, which is the most important reason for most being unsuccessful at it. Do you really look at any earning without understanding or planning the future of any business, is it at work or at earning extra income? For more help go to .Don not is under any misconceptions, though affiliate marketing is an easy and entertaining way to earn extra income, it is serious work, and just like any other job that requires effort, perseverance, and above all, a clear line of sight and plan of action from start to finish line. For more details go to .Small things like setting up your home office properly, getting up to date on know-how, setting achievable goals, making people

connections, and investment in your business will ensure that you are one-up on your competition, and also make sure that you firmly stand over them.

Home Office Setup, the most important step to take before becoming an affiliate marketer is to set up your base, little home office you have always wanted.

You can find many resources on the internet about ergonomic design. Ergonomic because anyone intending to spend a major amount of time working on their computers need space which promotes good posture at the same time takes care of safety issues involving their office workspace. For more help go to Learning the Trade, nobody gets into work untrained. Even when you applied for your first job, you had made sure that you are qualified and can do justice to it. Putting in a nutshell, no one hires you for giving you a free extra income without basic training.

What you need then, is to get some training on how to become a professional affiliate marketer. You can start by finding another one and check what they can do to help you. There are many professional affiliate marketers already earning a substantial extra income, who would be willing to teach you by passing o their knowledge so that you can augment the extra income they are already earning. The internet also offers a lot of resources and conference time tables which you can attend to learn. For more information logon to .The secret is to become a student of your own business; you will get to learn something new day after day. Now you are ready to begin by setting some realistic goals for yourself.

Goals, the major problem that plagues most affiliate marketers is that they tend to set themselves unrealistic goals by being over

confident about their skills and plans. This results in becoming disenchanted very quickly due to non attainment of goals. Being realistic removes a lot of pain in this context. For example a goal of $5,000 a month realistically attainable, but a first time affiliate marketer is not likely to attain it when starting up.

Starting Computer Repair Business Mistakes!

Starting computer repair business mistakes are not unlike any other business start up mistakes. Under capitalization, not planning for cash flow and operating costs, unrealistic sales and revenue projections, and no marketing plan, are all common mistakes.

Lets take a look at these mistakes as they apply to the computer repair business in particular. Computer repair businesses fall under the services category, even though many might sell some equipment both for replacement parts and new models.

Since start up and operating costs are the first areas most new owners try to address, that’s a good area to discuss first. It’s easy to overlook some of these start up costs until you actually start working in your business. That’s the number one mistake.

Start up costs can be very reasonable for a non-retail computer repair business. If you plan on going retail, you will need a pretty good chunk of money for the initial lease, build out, and signage. But we’ll save that scenario for a different article.

Since the owner/operator will be going to the client (instead of the client coming to a retail location), a reliable vehicle is a must. And with gas and vehicle prices being what they are, transportation costs should include fuel and maintenance in addition to the purchase or ongoing payment cost.

A good transportable tool kit, maybe some common repair parts, and other basic accessories are also necessary. You might even consider a smock of some type to protect clothing (I can’t tell you how many shirts I’ve lost to toner, dirt from shop areas, and other unknown threats).

Administrative costs should include items like cell phone, invoices, business cards, insurance (both health, auto, and liability), accounting advice and software, any local licenses, and reference materials (manuals, etc.).

We’ll break out any advertising or marketing costs due to the fact that they will be ongoing and not just start up requirements. Depending on the market area, and what methods are planned, advertising and marketing costs can be considerable.

The next biggest mistake falls under both the sales and revenue projections and operating expense and cash flow. These two areas go hand in hand due to the relationship. You cannot bill 100% of your time, end of story.

If you bill 60% of hours, you are doing well above the national average of owner/operator type businesses. There are several reasons, but the biggest is that you get to change roles many times during working hours. So figure on 35-40% billable hours. You can obviously work 60 hours (and I often do) so that 35-40% can represent more hours.

Along with the number of hours, due to the nature of the business, you really don’t know how many service call requests will come in during any period. After doing this for 30 years, I still don’t know. Of course the more long-term clients you acquire, the more ongoing activity you will have.

Cash flow can always be an issue. The more ongoing clients you get, the more you will carry receivables. Short quick service calls (under $200) should be invoiced and collected on the spot. Larger and ongoing projects should be billed upon collection and if you offer terms, make sure you can live with them.

It’s very easy to get to a point where you get to spend office time chasing receivables. It’s not fun, and takes away from billable hours. You can also get burned from time to time. I offer terms, but only after a client has paid for the first time and established that the amount of work and billable hours will be worth the headaches.

And the third, and probably the most important to keep your business providing revenue, is a realistic marketing plan. You will need new clients every week, and should implement methods that are ongoing. The accordion effect is difficult to avoid in any small business.

That’s where you get too busy doing service calls and let your marketing efforts slip. When you get over the busy period, you sit there since you quit marketing and there’s a time lag to get new business. So no matter how busy you get, save some time for your ongoing marketing.

One way I’ve figured out to help overcome this situation is to have some flyers printed up that I send out everyday. When I go to a new service call, I jot down 10-15 businesses name and addresses near the new client. When I get home or before I leave for work the next day I grab the flyers and put the past days addresses and drop them in the mail.

And if you want to get a little more cost effective, you can wait a day or two until you have enough ready that you can use the lower bulk mail rate. Either way, you can’t go wrong if you adhere to this system.

Starting any small business is a challenge. The Computer Repair Business is no different. But it is one of the few service type businesses that you can start with a very small investment. The key to success is not making the common mistakes above.

Pay attention to details, be aware of the pitfalls, and try to compensate for the known problems. Having your own Computer Repair Business can be quite profitable if you can overcome these common mistakes.

The Power of Local Search Services and Google Local

The Power of Local Search Services and Google Local by Christopher Carter

Google and Yahoo both have local search services but many businesses are unaware of this and their potential benefits. Many people do not know that they are free to register and can have huge positive results for their businesses. Once you get your business listed in local services, you will start showing up on their map features like Google Maps and Yahoo Maps.

Recently I took a trip to New York City and got lost a couple of times looking for landmarks which were talked about on a tour bus I had taken a day earlier. I spent a good part of the day walking the length and width of Central Park trying to find the Whole Foods Store under the Time Warner building and it was no cakewalk. Dazed, confused and with my feet sore, I realized that my new iPhone 2.0 had Google Maps right on it. I pulled out Google Maps and did a satellite view of the park. Then I realized that I had walked about 2 1/2 miles in the opposite direction! I ended up taking the bus and finally got to the Whole Foods Store.

In a real life scenario, I realized how important it is to quickly find landmarks, hotels, restaurants and general places you want to visit. I never got lost again in the city.

Now imagine that you are driving around the city and looking for a good seafood restaurant and you use Google Maps, which is usually the default on new Smart-Phones like the new iPhone 2.0. Instantaneously, businesses registered with Google Local are found for your choosing. Yahoo Maps, MapQuest and other mapping features use their free registration for functionalities that benefit their end users.

The future of the Internet is to make people’s lives easier and that’s what technology is supposed to do. By allowing me to never ever get lost ever again in life, Local Online Services makes my life a whole lot simpler.

It is one thing to get directions to a place printed out from MapQuest, it’s a whole different scenario to get instantaneous directions from where you are standing to the place you need to go, in the palm of your hands. The only down fall is that if a great destination is not registered with Google Local, Yahoo Local, or the other equivalent; it’s doesn’t appear on their maps unless you have the correct address.

Registering with Google and Yahoo Local is free, but there are several other local services that you can register your business with, which are niche website, niche directories or niche search engines that deal with your industry specifically. Find these niches as well and register your business/website with them and you will be visible to potential clients/customers.

Local Search has the power to increase your business customers several fold simply by registering your business with these services. Local Search should be apart of your search engine optimization campaign. Finding a company that gets you great presence locally for your top keywords is also very important.

I work at Optimum7, where we specialize in visibility and increasing online traffic for businesses. Contact Us Today to learn more. is an Internet Marketing Consulting Company with primary focus on Small and Mid-Sized Enterprises (SME’s). offers a rich consultative approach that our clients find refreshing. We actually listen to our clients to learn exactly what their problems and objectives are. Through a proven process, we collaborate with our clients to truly understand where they are and where they want to be next month, next year, and in 5 years. The Power of Local Search Services and Google Local.

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Who Doesn't Shop Online Anymore?

Who Doesn't Shop Online Anymore? by Jay Gaulard

With approximately 1.4 billion people on the Internet and most of them having a credit card, debit card, or a PayPal account, shopping online is extremely easy. Individuals have access to products and services from all around the world. If you live in Florida, you can buy something from England and have it in just a matter of days. It is amazing how our world has evolved toward this method of shopping.

As for when online shopping became so easy, it started in the mid to late 1990s. It is amazing to think that less than 20 years ago the Internet was hardly in anyone's home. It is amazing to think that within a 5 to 6 year period of having old monochrome computers, people were buying books, clothes, and other items off of the Internet. All they had to have was a credit card.

Evolution at its finest

The Internet could be described as evolution at its finest because it evolved so quickly. Some individuals were leery about doing online transactions because they didn't feel they were very secure. It is true that transactions at the beginning of the age of online shopping weren't as secure as they are now. Now there have been certain security measures put in place and those security measures have made it quite difficult to steal someone's information.

So here we are now and we buy everything off of the Internet. We go to online stores and we buy used items off of people at classified ad sites like we're buying something used at a yard sale. Classified ads are sort of like a virtual yard sale. You just don't get the item immediately. The same goes for shopping at online stores. You may not get the item immediately, but you don't have to get dressed. You can shop online in your underwear if you want to. You also don't have to worry about wasting the gas driving around.

Saves time and money

Many merchants will offer incentives for shopping online. You'll see deals such as "Buy it in our store and get it for $19.99. Buy it on our website and get it for $16.99." You can even get bulk discounts that you would not get in their store. This has led a lot of people to shop online. The merchants are literally pushing people to shop online by offering these special deals. They do, however, tell them that they can buy it online and exchange it in the store if they don't like it. This type of business is literally genius. The company is pulling money off of the Internet and they are also pulling more business into their stores. As for the benefit to the shopper, time and money are saved. Furthermore, everything is done in the comfort of the home and everything is shipped to the home in a matter of days.

Just look at the holidays. Individuals will go online and search through online auction sites, classified ads, and merchant sites to find the best gifts. Anymore it seems as if everyone does most of their shopping online. This is because they can do it at work, at school, and they can even do it while sitting in a coffee shop. Go back 20 or even 15 years and no one would have ever fathomed that this phenomenon would go this far. No one would ever fathom that some of the most successful businesses in the world do business primarily on the Internet because they can reach a worldwide audience. They could not have done that 15 or 20 years ago. Most people did not start shopping online until the late 1990s and early 2000s. Even then there was still that doubt that the transactions were secure.

The Internet spells success

The Internet has spelled success for many businesspeople. Whether you're trying to make a few extra bucks on an online classified site or you are building your own company online, the right marketing will take you a long way. The marketing is something else that makes online shopping such an incredible industry. Actually, online shopping is officially referred to as "e-commerce" and it is so huge. When marketing, there are many marketing methods out there on the Internet that are affordable and sometimes free. It is important to take advantage of all of those because the Internet is one competitive place. When you open an online business, you are competing with the rest of the world. That is a lot of competition, so you have to stand out from the rest.

You see, you have people shopping with the big companies and you need to prove to them that you have something to offer. You have to make people want to shop with you. It can be done. You can utilize all sorts of different methods. Think about ways in which you have been led to websites in the past. What led you there? Maybe you were bidding on an online auction and the link to their online store was on the item's page. Maybe you were on a classified ad site and someone was advertising their business. Whatever way they got you there, you need to use that as well. You can even find new ways to market your business. There is always a way to make things work and you will. Those websites that are successful are those that develop new ways of getting the word out.

It will continue to evolve

The Internet seems overwhelming the way it is when it comes to online shopping. Just imagine how it is going to continue to evolve. It is probably hard to imagine because we can't really see it getting any better than it is. The truth is that it is going to get better and we're going to continue to be amazed. If you're amazed now, just wait another ten years and see what will happen. We might be able to think about a product, place our thumb on a thumbprint reader, and make a purchase right then and there. We just don't know, but time will certainly tell.

Jay Gaulard writes for a wide selection of websites on various topics. He is a veteran of the internet and has come to be respected in his many areas of expertise. This article was written on behalf of , a popular free classifieds website.

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Link Bid Directories: Better Content, Bigger Sales

Link Bid Directories: Better Content, Bigger Sales by Audrey Cross

Search engines are one of the most useful tools in the promotion of websites, allowing users to search by keyword for specific web content and providing them with a broad list of results. Search engines are definitely not the only venue available, though, nor are they the most efficient and reliable source for providing quality search results. Link directories, specifically link bid directories, offer a number of incentives that search engines simply cannot provide, one of the most important being a human touch and a direct editing of the directory’s content. On the whole, link directories provide real results for the owner’s and managers of sites who specifically wish to gain an upper hand in traffic and sales.

Basics of Link Directories

Simply stated, a link directory is an organized catalog of website links. Directories are usually based on specific subject matter; for example, a particular link directory might publish links that only pertain to sites on fine art and dealers of fine art, and another link directory might publish links that pertain specifically to sites concerning New York City attractions. Additionally, directories can also categorize links by geographical region or popularity.

The motivation for a site owner to have a link posted within a link directory is for the strong exposure; those who search directories are usually inquiring more seriously than the individual who chooses to simply use a search engine. Thus, the hits on a given link are of much higher quality than hits from a search engine link, providing a site owner with more sales.

Different Kinds of Link Directories

Free Directories:

Free directories allow sites to post links free of charge. This is great for businesses that want to promote their sites but may have limited funds to do so. There are drawbacks, though: free directories are usually minimally moderated, therefore allowing SPAM and other unwanted links to fill it. A directory is only as good as its links, and when users find that many of the links present are SPAM, they will find elsewhere to search.

Paid Directories:

Before a company is granted space to post on a paid directory, they are charged a listing fee. This type of directory is usually of a much higher quality than free directories, simply because the links present are on topic and are much more precise according to the category. Paid directories also have staffs who oversee the operation of the sites, cutting down on links that are of inferior quality.

Paid Link Directories:

Paid link directories offer advantages over other types of directories in that they are moderated the most by site staff, thus providing a greater quality of links for users and a greater amount of quality site hits for businesses. Additionally, paid link directories offer businesses the opportunity of having a say in their page rank, which is determined by the amount that the business gives. Once a business bids on a rank, the bid is open—allowing a bid to be placed at any time and giving the link’s owner ability to maintain a desired rank.

Placing Your Site On a Link Bid Directory

If you are considering subscribing to a specific link bid directory, then you stand to gain in three unique aspects: search engine performance, brand recognition, and traffic. Combined, these three facets can give your business the push that’s needed to not just survive in the virtual world, but to thrive and to contend with your strongest competitors. Utilizing search engines in garnering hits on your site is necessary, but by incorporating link directories along with your search engine rankings will give you the edge needed to become the successful business that you wish to be.

DirectoryBid is a new breed of human edited web directory that allows website owners to bid for placement in their directory. Get your site listed exactly where you want to be in the category you desire today.

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directory, web directory, link bid, link bid directory, bid link, bid link directory, human edit, link directory

Why Do Real Estate Agents Require Websites?

Why Do Real Estate Agents Require Websites? by Steve Wilson

During the past ten years, the Internet has changed the way people buy houses and the way real estate agents and brokers do business. The Internet makes it easy for home buyers to quickly to sort lists of available properties in their local area and provide them with a combination of written information, photos and virtual tours. Large national real estate firms such as and ReMax operate web sites that furnish access to real estate listings across the country.

A consumer in the market to purchase a new
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home can quickly search available properties, 24 hours a day from the comfort of their own home. No longer do potential buyers have to contact a real estate agent to see local homes that meet the buyers situation. Today, with a simple online search, home buyers can easily find a real estate listings for houses that meet their needs. In most situations home buyers can obtain specifics of the listing, view photographs of the home and in some case take a virtual tour online before they contact a real estate agent to arrange a viewing. .

Based on a study conducted by the National Association of Realtors, in 2007 nearly 84% of all home buyers utilized the Net while looking for real estate. This figure has virtually doubled since 2001 and is up consideribly from the 2% of all home buyers who used the Internet in 1995. More important is the fact that almost 82% of these buyers used a real estate agent to complete their purchase.

These numbers show how necessary it is that real estate agents and brokers have be visible online. If future home buyer finds a property of interest on-line, it is important that they can quickly contact the listing agent through the same page or via the agents website.

One of the biggest on-line real estate resources is, this internet site is operated by the National Association of Realtors. provides over two million real estate listings. One of the features offers is the ability to provide contact information and a link to the listing agents website. is an excellent example of how the internet can be used as a well-formatted marketing and product presentation tool.

Online Marketing for Real Estate Agents

In todays market place it is necessary that every real estate agent or broker have a personal internet site that at the very minimum provides a future client with the agents contact information. More sophisticated internet sites can often be easily set up to provide supplementary listing information and pictures of available properties. Every web site should include phone numbers, office address and email address for the agent. Remember, the key to any successful real estate website is to make it easy for the home buyer to contact the real estate agent.

Other outstanding way to promote any real estate business is a blog. Blog is short for "weblogs" and are one of most efficient online marketing tools. A blog allows you to discuss your local market or specific listings as well as providing a method to market yourself and share your thoughts on the real estate industry.

Social Networking or Web 2.0 sites is the latest online marketing phenomenon to have emerged in many areas of business today. Online social networking is rapidly gaining popularity within the real estate industry.

So what is Social Networking?

Online social networking is a internet based community that allows people with similar interests discuss, contact and interact with each other. Members of these social networks can send messages to other member, chat, post video, share files and post to blogs. Some of the most popular social networking sites include Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace, Real Estate Voices and Zolve

Hosting your website

Regardless of the marketing methods plan to use, you must have a professional, informative website that connects the buyer and real estate agent together. It is important for a realtor to consider the following when selecting a web hosting company.

What type of web site do you plan to develp? Are you planning a simple brochure site that just provides information, or one that offers listings and virtual tours or a blog. If you are planning to offer customers virtual tours of your property listings you should select a web host who understands the technology behind "virtual tours" and offers web hosting plans that provide the features and bandwith that allows them to be included in the website.

When considering any web hosting company, the first thing you should look at is where you want your online business to be in the future. Look at things like, how much traffic do you expect? How many sites do you plan to build? What type of server software will you be using? Do you require a dedicated IP address? Once you have established your needs you can begin looking at web hosting companies.

Generally a sucessful real estate website will also provide potential buyers with more information on a property than is available through the national MLS listing. The realtor's web site should be comprehensive, personable, and provide clients with as many options as possible.

Steve Wilson is the customer relations manager for, A leading canadian web host provider that specializes in providing web hosting solutions for personal and small business websites.

Article Source:

SEO, Search Engine Optimization, Directory Submission

Friday, November 14, 2008

How To Improve Customer Loyalty During A Turbulent Economy

How To Improve Customer Loyalty During A Turbulent Economy
By Derek Gehl

I'm not gonna sugar coat it... it's looking pretty darn ugly out there!

I'll spare you a rehash of all the gory details -- I'm sure you're WELL aware of them already -- but suffice to say that the stock market and economy took a pretty sound thrashing this week.

And MANY people are worried.

I'm seeing it in the emails I've been getting from nervous customers... and in the urgent phone calls I'm receiving... and in the comments on my blog...

There are a whole lot of people out there who are concerned about what the present economic climate will mean to their Internet businesses.

Well, I'm no economist, so I'm not about to make a prediction about the markets or the stability of the economy...

... but I am an Internet marketer, and what I can say -- with confidence -- is that a downturn in the current economy does NOT have to be a major roadblock for YOUR Internet business!

One key to surviving (even thriving) during this period of uncertainty is to know your customers!

It's more critical than EVER for you to understand EXACTLY who they are... where they're coming from... their interests, goals, and desires. This will allow you to create laser-focused marketing copy that speaks DIRECTLY to them and solves their specific problems, as well as offer products that you know for sure will make a difference in their lives.

You'll be rewarded with continued customer loyalty and ongoing sales!

So if you don't already know all you can about your customers and visitors, NOW is definitely the time to find out...

... and the easiest and fastest way to do that is with a survey.

Here are the SIX STEPS you need to follow to create an effective and informative survey that will help you connect with your customers -- and continue to profit -- during the current financial turmoil:

Step #1: Plan Your Survey

As with everything else you do with your business, you'll have the greatest success with your survey if you do some advance planning.

Without a solid idea of what exactly it is you hope to learn from your results, you can easily end up creating a survey consisting of fairly random questions that ultimately don't lead you anywhere.

So make sure you take the time to sit down and do some brainstorming and list-making.

Decide what your goals with the survey are. Are you trying to learn more about specific products you offer? Looking for ways you could give everyone a more positive customer care experience? Trying to gather demographic information so you can segment your list better and send out tailored offers?

Be clear about what you're hoping to accomplish with the survey, and you'll be in great shape when it comes time to write the actual survey questions.

Step #2: Choose Your Weapon

One thing I like about surveys is that they're super simple for pretty much ANY business owner to administer, no matter how small your budget, or limited your technical knowledge.

That's because there are lots of web-based services out there that will host your survey for you... for FREE!

You just design the survey using their simple point-and-click interface, enter the text for your questions, and then email a link to the survey to your customers and subscribers.

When your customers show up, the automated survey is online and ready to take!

And best of all, many of these free services offer a reasonable number of reporting features, too, making it easy to interpret your results.

Of course, most of these services offer paid upgrades as well, which allow you to create more complex surveys and get more sophisticated reports, but for a typical small survey, the freebies work just fine.

Here are a couple that I've used and like:

Step #3: Design And Write Your Survey

Designing your survey takes a bit of skill, but with a small amount of planning (there's that word again!), you'll have no problem putting an effective one together. Just be sure that you're putting the questions in a logical order, and not exhausting your customers by asking for too much detail.

Here are a few tips to help you design a better survey:

  • Start with the good stuff -- To ease your customers into the survey, start off with some simple questions they can answer without a lot of thought.

    This can be something as simple as basic demographic information (age, location, etc.), which also happens to be useful information.

    But don't load up the front end with all of the easy questions. Save a few for the end of the survey. That way, it won't get increasingly difficult throughout, which can cause some people to bail before they complete it.

  • Avoid asking too many questions -- 5-10 minutes is about the maximum length you can reasonably expect somebody to spend answering a survey, so be sure to limit your questions.

    At the same time, be sure to let your respondents know up front how much time will be required to complete it... and be honest! People will begin to drop out if it starts to take longer than you say.

  • Give your survey an introduction and ending -- It's a good idea to include an introduction to the survey, to clearly explain what people are required to do.

    At the same time, it's a nice touch to end the survey with a "thank-you" page, just to let people know you appreciate the time they spent taking the survey.

  • Respect people's privacy -- You may want to collect personal information like age, income, and occupation. If you do so, make sure to reassure your customers beforehand that you have a strict privacy policy, and remind them that their answers are all confidential.

When it comes time to write the actual questions, make sure you write in a relaxed, conversational voice, and avoid things like abbreviations, acronyms, and double negatives. You want to be sure that EVERY person who takes your survey clearly understands all of the questions.

Here are a few tips to help you write compelling and effective survey questions:

  • Avoid asking leading questions -- Be sure that your questions don't sway your customers toward answering them in a particular way, or giving an answer that's not actually true.

    For example, don't say: "How quickly did we resolve your problem? " This assumes that the problem was indeed resolved.

    The question you should ask is, "Was your problem resolved?"

  • Avoid questions that rate more than one thing -- Avoid asking questions that require people to rate more than one thing at a time.

    For instance, don't say: "How fast and accurate did you find our customer service representative?"

    While the service may have been fast, it may not have been accurate (or vice versa) so this question is impossible to answer accurately.

  • Focus on asking "close-ended" questions -- In a survey, a close-ended question is one that can be answered with a simple yes/no or other specific piece of information, or a selection from multiple choices.

    This makes the survey faster and easier for your customers, and the results more simple for you to manage.

    So instead of a question like "What did you think of your customer service experience?" try something like "Did you enjoy your customer service experience?"

  • Be consistent with your questions -- If you ask your customers to rate certain things on a numbered scale, make sure to use the same scale each time.

    So if they need to rate something on a scale of 1 to 5 in one question, avoid using a scale of 1 to 10 elsewhere.

  • Watch out for long questions -- If your questions are too long, your customers will soon get tired of answering them, and abandon the survey. Look for questions that can be broken into two or more parts.

  • Don't test your customers' memories -- Try not to ask your customers to recall a lot of information that happened far in the past. They'll soon get bogged down trying to recall specific details, and if they're in a hurry to complete the survey, will often abandon it.

Step #4: Test Your Survey

You all know by now that I'm a HUGE advocate of testing EVERYTHING before you email it, make it live on your site, or expose it to your customers in any way.

So take the time to carefully review the survey to make sure it has a logical flow, and that it all makes sense.

If you can, it's a good idea to ask a few people (customers, if possible, or co-workers, friends, or family) to take the survey ahead of time, and actually WATCH them while they do it.

Do they hesitate while answering a question? Backtrack? Skip over a question? It could be a sign that your questions aren't clear enough, and you'll need to work on making them more simple.

Once you're done, ask about the experience. Was there anything you didn't understand? Were you confused at any point?

You want to make sure the survey is easy to understand and follow BEFORE you make it available. Once it's actually live -- and your customers have started answering it -- you DON'T want to have to start tinkering with the questions. That will skew your results.

Step #5: Administer The Survey

Okay, the moment of truth is upon you: It's time to invite your customers to take the survey.

The easiest way to do this is to email them, and ask them for a few minutes of their time. And make sure you tell them what's in it for them if they take the survey.

If your goal is to improve a certain product, for instance, tell them that by taking the survey, they'll actually be helping you to help them, because you'll use their comments to fine-tune the assistance you can offer them.

And don't be shy about offering your customers a "bribe" for taking the survey. You're asking them to do a big favor for you, so it's not unreasonable to reward them for their time.

Consider sending everyone who responds a gift (like a free eBook that they'll find valuable, a coupon for discounted products, or enter them in a draw to win some a prize.)

Finally, make sure you build some urgency into the email. If you don't ask people to take the time right away to answer the survey, they'll often put it aside to answer when they have more time... but then never return to complete it.

Step #6: Interpret Your Results

As you review the results of your survey, remember that, more than anything, you're looking for trends. Did the majority of respondents answer specific questions the same way? Are they often expressing the same frustrations, etc?

At the same time, look for any surprising answers. Your survey is likely going to tell you things about your audience that you had no idea were true.

By finding out EXACTLY who your audience is, what they like (and dislike), and what their goals and experiences are, you'll be able to tailor your salescopy, your email marketing efforts, your website, and even your products, to perfectly suit them.

The results should be improved customer loyalty, and ongoing success with your business, even during these turbulent economic times!

To your success,

Derek Gehl

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fast Easy Ways To Make Money

Fast Easy Ways To Make Money by Jason Szova

Everyone needs to make money fast sometimes. Whether it's an unexpected bill, a change in your living situation, or the need to start a new career, there are a few money making strategies that can help. Of course, not all of them work for all situations. Some of them work faster than others, and some produce more money in the end.

1. Sell off things you don't need. Whether you have a garage sale or put up some Ebay auctions, there are probably good items you're not using anymore that might be worth some cash. Don't focus on recouping the original price of the item - just get what you can for it. A good pricing guideline is to ask what you'd be willing to pay. This method has the extra advantage of helping you simplify your life. Old clothes that you won't use again can be put on consignment at local stores as well.

2. Sell your services. There's probably something you can do that others can't. Whether you're an expert mender, cleaner, or accountant, you can sell your services to friends, family and people in your community easily. More experienced people can sell to a wider audience, or even act as a consultant. Look at what you can do and see if there's a demand for it, then get the word out that you're for hire.

3. Check out income opportunities online. Not all of them will work for every person, and they usually take some business knowhow. However, opportunities like Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing could make you some significant cash quickly if you know how to use them right.

4. Sell things you've made. Cooks can produce excellent baked goods, gardeners fine organic produce and herbs, and artists beautiful paintings and craft pieces. If you have a hobby that you do in your spare time, think about turning it into cash. Remember that this method isn't a sure thing, since art and other products are quite subjective. You may also be asked to get a license to sell food in some areas. However, if you're selling to locals informally, you could make a few extra bucks.

5. Help others with difficult tasks. Even if you don't have a special skill, there's a good chance that someone you know or someone they know is interested in paying a little to have their lawn mowed, belongings moved, car washed, or house cleaned. Unskilled labor isn't worth as much, but it's more in demand. You can get family and friends to help, but be sure to give them a cut, some food, or another reward for their assistance.

Making money fast isn't usually easy or a great time, but it doesn't have to be a headache. Think carefully about all your options and choose the one that's best for your situation. Remember to think about how much money you need, and how much you'll be likely to make from each effort. Don't forget to subtract supplies and other investments, and you'll end up richer than you started.
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Everyone needs to make money fast sometimes. Whether it's an unexpected bill, a change in your living situation, or the need to start a new career, there are a few money making strategies that can help.

Celebrity Branding You! - Typing Your Way to Fame!

Celebrity Branding You! - Typing Your Way to Fame! by Nick Nanton

Over the last few years, there is no denying that the online community has started harnessing the power of the Internet for more than just "surfing" the web to look for information. We have now started using it as a networking tool that allows us to connect with others to share ideas, opinions and videos of ourselves looking like fools. Okay, so hopefully we don't have too many of those videos; but having some video online, and at the major video sharing sites, is a great search engine traffic strategy that we should all be employing.

One of the online tools that has been around for the longest, but is often neglected or overlooked, is that of message boards and email-based discussion groups. Yahoo and Google offer the two most popular email groups and they are free for anyone to set up. You can host your own group or you can join existing groups. There are groups for everything you can possibly think of; some are private and require the moderator of the group to approve you, and some you can get started with right away.

You can find these groups by going to the following URLs: Yahoo - Google -

The way these groups are set up is that you are given an email address to which you can send a message if you want to send a message to an entire group. When you send a message to that address, everyone in the group gets it, and when they reply their response goes back to the whole group. On a side note, this has gotten more than one person I know into a bit of a trouble; because by habit you might think you are only responding to the person who sent the message, but since it was sent to the group, when you reply it automatically responds to the entire group! BE CAREFUL! It can be mighty embarrassing to send a private message to someone that ends up going to the whole group!

So, how can this help you build your celebrity status?

In most groups, there are many members who join to get information, but do not send messages. Let me give you an example: I am a member of a group for entertainment lawyers in the state of Florida. When I joined, I did what I would recommend that anyone should do when you are first joining an existing group -- I watch how people post and respond for at least a few days to learn the tone of the group. After a month or two, I saw a message asking about a subject I know a lot about, so I responded to it. As time went on, I got involved in the discussion and I sent about 10 to 15 messages over the course of a few months.

As I was following the messages, it seemed like there were about 10 people who posted fairly regularly with about five others who would chime in every now and then. So by my estimation there were probably 20 to 30 people in the group.

Well, after about six months, I went to a convention where these entertainment lawyers gathered for an annual meeting. As usual, I met some new people and learned more about them, but something funny happened. When I introduced myself to people I had never met before, most of them said, "Oh, you're Nick Nanton from the message board." I would politely respond yes, but I had no idea how they knew that since I had never seen them send any messages. That's when I asked the question.

I walked up to the person who moderated the group and asked him, "About how many people are in our online group? I keep meeting people who say they know me from the message board, but I have only sent a handful of messages and have never seen these people send anything."

That's when he responded "a little over 500 people."


As you can see, I was drastically wrong in my calculation of 20 to 30 people in the group. There were actually hundreds, but only a few of us actually communicated through the group. And I have come to find out that this is fairly common in many groups. So, even though I had only sent a few messages, I had become a celebrity among the entire group. Everyone knew who I was, and before long I made a lot of new friends and was referred to a bunch of businesses because I was seen by the members of that group as an expert because of my prompt and accurate responses.

You really can find celebrity status in more places than you'd ever imagine; and sometimes, as in this instance, it smacked me in the face when I was completely oblivious! So go browse around online for groups of people that you would like to learn from, and that you think would be a good place for you to display your expertise and possibly even get some new business. Just remember the rules of the road! When you are in any new environment, watch how others behave first, before you start adding in your two cents!

Now, go out and join some groups!

Copyright (c) 2008 Nick Nanton

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: JW Dicks & Nick Nanton, lawyers by trade and entrepreneurs by choice, publish the Business Growth ezine monthly covering marketing and business growth topics that every business, start-up to international powerhouse, needs to know. If you're ready to take your business to the next level, get more FREE info now at

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Over the last few years, there is no denying that the online community has started harnessing the power of the Internet for more than just "surfing" the web to look for information. We have now started using it as a networking tool that allows us to connect with others to share ideas and opinions.

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Try Off Page SEO to Boost your Page Rank

Try Off Page SEO to Boost your Page Rank by Sherry Peterson

Today, the search engine optimization (SEO) field is getting more and more competitive with many innovations and highly effective SEO schemes, such as on and off page seo. With its fast paced evolution, internet marketers and people in the field of SEO almost fail to keep pace, unaware that much of what they have learned yesterday are already out of date. Not unless they are supplemented with updated SEO news and articles, they will surely be always effective in successfully achieving the key purpose of SEO, like off page seo.
Search Engine Optimization is basically the technique employed to put a website in the prominent position or rank in search engine result pages (SERPs). SEO methods, such as off page seo, plays a critical role in the success of every online venture. Especially for online businesses, where they need targeted customers to visit and make purchases in their online site, SEO truly is their lifeblood. There are actually two kinds of SEO - the on page and off page SEO. But this article will focus on the off page SEO.
So what is Off Page seo?
Off page seo is an internet marketing scheme designed to boost your website's page rank. An off page seo is among the most highly influencing factor to achieve skyrocketing search engine rankings. It is important to note that, the higher your page rank, the higher you will be placed in search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and others. Though an off page seo is one key to promote your website and give it massive traffic, it should be taken into consideration that doing only off page seo will not improve your site's page rank. You also need to look at other factors such as website optimization, website design, quality content, keyword and description maximization, linking to high ranking websites and others.
Off page seo is basically all about the potent ways to give your website a high page rank (PR) after it has gone live. There are specific steps to be followed in executing an off page seo. Majority of these steps involves creating your link popularity. The popularity of your link is dependent on the number of back links that your website has. The better your link popularity, the higher your page rank will be. In building your link popularity, you need to increase the number of websites that will link to your website. This might sound simple to you, but doing the actual off page seo work will require your canny abilities.
Off Page SEO and More
One way to get massive unilateral links, not reciprocal links, is to have top quality and informative content. This is the prime most effective strategy to draw in websites and link to yours. With great content, your off page seo venture will surely be a success. There are other ways to boost your off page seo campaign and if you need total help about off page seo, simply visit This is the ultimate source where you can get top notch SEO techniques. Access now and see your website at the top pages of search engine result pages. SiteFling created a "done for you" version of the 3 powerful traffic generation methods ever seen on the web: ConversationDomination, A9 Method, and 30MinuteBacklinks. Our methods increase website traffic and improve your off

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Today, the search engine optimization (SEO) field is getting more and more competitive with many innovations and highly effective SEO schemes, such as on and off page seo.

Outsource Your Search Engine Optimization Campaigns

Outsource Your Search Engine Optimization Campaigns by Gen Wright

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) requires skills, time and knowledge. If you are familiar with SEO, you know that to execute an SEO campaign properly, there are several components you need to take care of. Very quickly, here are two major components you have to tackle.

Internal page elements.

This is the easy part because internal page elements involve tweaking your own web pages to make them search engine friendly. You have complete control over how you want to tweak your pages. If you know what you are doing, a few hours is all that is needed to optimize your pages for the search engines. Here are some tips.

- Include keywords in the web page title.

That means making sure that the keywords are in the HTML title tags. When your web page appears in the search results, the title will appear in bold.

- Include META keywords and descriptions.

Not all search engines display the META descriptions, but it is a good rule to follow. For search engines that include your META tags, the description will appear in the search results.

- Well structured website.

This is to ensure that search engines find all your web pages easily. Include links within your content to internal web pages. Include a site map if possible. Most content management systems come with in-built site maps these days.

- Static URLs.

This is very important. A static URL is always easier to rank compared to a dynamic URL. A dynamic URL usually looks something like this: yourwebpage.html?id=3432

A static URL looks simpler: yourwebpage.html

If possible, include the keywords as part of your URL as well. For example, your-keyword.html

External page elements.

This is where it gets a little tricky because you have little control over external page elements - mostly links. One way back links to your website is like a vote for your site. The more "votes" you get, the higher your sites will rank in the search engines. For this reason, many marketers are consistently building back links.

There are many ways to build back links to your sites. Some methods include web directory submissions, article marketing and social bookmarking. However, do note that all these methods require you to invest some time.

For instance, if you want to build links using article marketing, you may have to spend time writing articles and submitting the articles to other websites for distribution. Such activities take time.

Fortunately, there are professional SEO firms who are willing to do all that for you for an affordable fee. The benefit of outsourcing your SEO campaigns is that it frees up your time so that you can focus on other aspects of your business - such as product development, marketing, and so on. Some of these firms are offshore, which means that they are able to provide SEO services at competitive rates without compromising on quality.

Our services include Web Marketing India and Search Engine optimization India

Article Source:

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) requires skills, time and knowledge. If you are familiar with SEO, you know that to execute an SEO campaign properly, there are several components you need to take care of. Very quickly, here are two major components you have to tackle.

Outsource Your Search Engine Optimization Campaigns

Hispanic sites SEO

Hispanic sites SEO by robel hussain

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Portals are browser-based applications that enable activities including connecting business processes within the business and across the supply chain by unifying access to structured and unstructured data, integrating applications to support the business processes as well as providing access to real-time, current and consistent information.
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Getting a free host from some websites means you may have to contend with some pop ups and banner advertorials which owners do not pay for. This means you might be advertising some products and services for free and you may never get paid for doing such work.
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Hispanic SEO

Link Building 101: How to Evaluate the Power of Directories

Link Building 101: How to Evaluate the Power of Directories by Amy Nutt

It's extremely important to be able to evaluate the power of a directory for link building. Especially when you consider that the power of a directory listing is much more complicated than just looking at the PR of the directory homepage.

Hence, the goal of this post is to train the average SEO enthusiast how to quickly and effectively evaluate the power of general directories through link analysis and evaluation. The post is going to focus on the power of general directories because they are much more prevalent than niche directories; which obviously are powerful if your in the same niche. At the end of the day, there are hundreds of directories (both paid and free) that you can submit too, so you need to know how to quickly evaluate the power of these directories in order to make the most out of your time and money. Efficiency is key!

Without much further ado, here's a list of the 7 most important criteria to look for when evaluating the power of general directories:

1.) Check the PR of the directory: Although PR isn't everything; this is hands-down the fastest and easiest way to judge the power of any directory. As a general rule of thumb, any directory at PR 5 or above has good authority, while anything below a PR 3 has low authority.

2.) Check whether domain ranks in Google: This important test identifies if the directory has been penalized by Google. Simply go to Google and type in the directory domain name (without spaces); they should appear #1 unless the domain is targeting highly competitive keywords (should still be on first page). If they don't appear at all and Google suggests a different search term, then they have been penalized by Google.

3.) Indexability and last time cached: This quick check-up is to determine how often the Google bots are indexing the sub-page's content. Just go to Google, and enter a cache query. For a directory sub-page, a good cache date would be within 1-2 weeks, but no longer than 1 month. A higher frequency of cache dates indicate that the site is more powerful and authoritative.

4.) Number (and quality) of inbound links: Is a fairly simple measure of the overall power and authority associated with the directory. The higher the better. Being listed in DMOZ wouldn't hurt either :)

5.) Number of outbound links and PR of sub-pages: When choosing a category to submit too, relevancy is the most important factor to consider. But oftentimes, a submission could go in several categories. In these cases, in order to choose the best sub-page or category to submit too, you need to look at the sub-page's PR and also the number of outbound links. One of the most telling signs of an authority directory is if they have PR sub-pages, because Google loves to take the second level PR away from directories.

So, if you find a directory sub-page of PR 3 or higher: the directory is carrying a good amount of power, authority and Google credibility. The second point to consider is the number of outbound links on the sub-page. In many cases there will be so many listings that you won't even get on the first sub-page of your selected category. You need to keep this in mind when deciding which category to submit too. You want to submit to the sub-page that has a low number of outbound links to ensure that your link gets the most link juice available.

6.) Does the directory have sitewide links in Google?: When you search for the directory's domain name do they have sitewide links under their listing? If yes, this signifies that the directory has high authority in Google's eyes.

7.) Check appearances at public events and industry conventions: The theory behind this test is simple; if the directory owners can afford to advertise in key industry events (SES and SMX for example) then they obviously have a long-term strategy and are an authority. Obviously this rule isn't set in stone, but being at these events is a pretty clear indication of a powerful directory.

There's also one more test, but it takes more time as it's a bit more advanced because it can be time intensive. The anchor text test is a great way to determine the power of a directory by measuring the link juice that the directory passes on to your anchor text. Here's how to execute the anchor text text:

- First you need to find a unique anchor text within a sub-category (that isn't mentioned on the site's homepage)
- Next, check to see how that site ranks for that specific keyword(s) in the SERP's

This test doesn't take into consideration the other link building efforts of the client, but it is an effective way to attempt to measure the link juice being sent from the directory to your site (or client's site). The hardest part is finding the unique anchor text, because most of these anchors would most likely be targeting their site's competitive keywords, which would be mentioned on the homepage. But this isn't always the case, hence why the anchor text test can be very useful when you are trying to gauge the power of a link within a directory.

Another thing to keep in mind with the power of directory submissions is the featured listing or premiere listing option that enables your listing to be placed at the top of your desired sub-category for some extra dough. Is it worth it? Personally, I don't see much value in these type of listings unless the sub-page has PR and a lot of outbound links. In this case, a regular submission wouldn't get you on the first page of the category, so it would be worth paying an extra $20 or so because without it, your link won't be getting the same "juice" as it would be if placed on that desired subpage with PR.

Remember to keep this quick checklist in mind when considering which directories to submit too, and also be sure to check out the last part of this series which will cover potential downfalls and other mistakes to avoid when making directory submissions.

SEO Toronto Canada internet marketing company offers search engine optimization, search engine marketing Canada, and social media marketing.

Article Source:

It's extremely important to be able to evaluate the power of a directory for link building. Especially when you consider that the power of a directory listing is much more complicated than just looking at the PR of the directory homepage.

SEO Toronto, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, SEO, SEM, Social Media Marketing

Weighing the pros of off-page SEO and on-page SEO

Weighing the pros of off-page SEO and on-page SEO by Sherry Peterson

Off-page search engine optimization or on-page search engine optimization? Which campaign will best serve your needs? Well you don't necessarily need to select now at this instant in order to get what you want and what you deserve on your site. It's best to learn more about these two things, off-page SEO and on-page SEO. Once you know what the off-page SEO means and know the other, then that's the time that you make your informed selection. Which is right for you? Let's learn more about these two optimization campaigns. A little background check is in order we think, to further understand the concept. What we call as the search engine optimization or the SEO is more like the science of making things possible for your site or the contents of your site to figure prominently at the top page of There are two kinds of SEO and these are on-page SEO and the off-page SEO. What they call as the on-page SEO is the campaign that is done on the pages of the website itself in order to effectively maximize the performance of the site in many search engines. The other type of SEO campaign is your off-site SEO which is the target of this article.
Focusing on what off-site SEO means
So let's take a good look at what off-page SEO is and how this can be done to your website. Stated simply, what we know as the off-page SEO is about the things that will make the site more favorable in the eyes of Google and allowing it to get a higher page rank right after the webpage has already gone live. The off-page SEO is more like the work after the work on the website. There are a number of steps on how off-page SEO can be done on your site and here are some listings on the oft-repeated steps.
" Building the site's link popularity is one of the backbones of off-page SEO. The popularity will refer to the number of back links the website features. There is a simple tool online that you can use and thru that tool you can check the link popularity.
" Another backbone for off-page SEO is known as article marketing. This off-page SEO campaign is simple and all you need to do is to write quality contents and sending it to content directories. The drawback here is that this is time and labor intensive. Do you have the time to create good content on a regular basis? If this is not possible why not try forum marketing.
" Forum marketing is one part of off-page SEO marketing. Join forums, and spread the word about your site. Perhaps you already did this, posting a remark with your signature on it bearing the site address.
" You can try advertising as well. Advertise on sites with higher PR and for sure this will help as part of the off-page SEO campaign.
Now is the time to acquire the services of a third party service provider
Sounds like hard work? yes it is, but if you want all these services without you doing the job then you can always opt for a third party service provider like The site provides off-site SEO services and for a minimal fee, they get to do the work for you. So just sit there, relax and see what off-site SEO can do to your business. SiteFling created a "done for you" version of the 3 powerful traffic generation methods ever seen on the web: ConversationDomination, A9 Method, and 30MinuteBacklinks. Our methods increase website traffic and improve your off

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Off-page search engine optimization or on-page search engine optimization? Which campaign will best serve your needs?

off page seo

Link Building 101: The Power of Directories

Link Building 101: The Power of Directories by Amy Nutt

Directory submissions are still one of the most powerful and safest link building strategies in existence. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find quality directories to submit too as many directories continue to get penalized by Google as I outlined in my last post, the History of Paid Directories.

As a result, the goal of this three-part series is to focus on the power of directories for SEO, and more importantly, to teach any SEO enthusiast how to find quality directories (both paid and free) going forward. Here's what you can expect from this three part series:

Post #1: As promised, this post will cover 3 major resources where you can find high quality directories.

Post #2: The second post will focus on link appraisal and analysis, and will provide a checklist of the top 7 most important criteria to look for when evaluating the power of specific directories.

Post #3: The last post will examine the 3 most important downfalls to avoid when making directory submissions and will also provide a short-list of the top directories to submit too.

OK. Let's get down to the goods already. Below are the 3 major resources to use in order to find quality directories. I've also included some best practices and strategies that should be implemented in order to make the most out of these valuable resources.

1. Directory Critic
2. Digital Point Forums

Directory Critic is an excellent resource for SEO, and focuses on providing comprehensive lists of directories that are sortable according to a variety of criteria, including PR, type of directory (paid and/or free) and also an overall points rating. There's also a myriad of advertisers and other services on the site as well for webmasters and directory owners to take advantage of. Notice how most of the banners have outdated PR!?! Thought so (sigh) such is the life of a directory.

The directory lists are broken down into new directories, general directories (paid, free, reciprocal, deep links and article) and niche directories. The majority of the new directories are start-ups, so it's best to spend your time focusing in on the general and niche directory lists (ones linked above already sorted by PR). These lists are massive: Directory Critic currently has 3,085 free directories and 3,912 paid directories in its database!

It's best to sort these lists by PR and start submitting from the top and work your way down. Most of these directories don't generate much traffic, and even if they did, the purpose of submitting to a directory is not for traffic, it's usually solely for SEO and to improve your rankings in the SERP's.

Therefore, focus your efforts on securing links from the high PR directories, but don't forget about some of the high quality niche directory lists. These niche lists cover the major topics (health, SEO, sports, shopping, adult, blogging, travel, etc.) as well as geographic regions (Australia, UK, Canada, US) so you should find at least a couple that apply to your niche.

Digital Point Forums is the largest webmasters forum and is an absolutely essential resource for everything related to SEO and internet marketing. Digital Point (DP) literally has sections on everything related to internet and search marketing. When it comes down to finding directories, there are two major categories where you can find a wide range of information and services related to directory submissions.

In the directories category, there is a wide range of thread topics, with the majority focusing on:

* Directory owners announcing their directories are open for submissions.
* DP users offering a list of directories (usually free, but sometimes they ask for $).
* DP users looking for help and advice on which directories to submit too.

Within this category there is also the solicitations sub-section, where you can find the majority of specific offers regarding directory owners announcing their free directories. There's also the occasional paid directory owner offering free submissions to their high PR directory for a limited time.

In the services category, you can find threads where:

* DP Users are offering bulk manual submissions to free directories for a small fee (e.g. submit to 100 PR 5+ directories for just $10)
* Directory owners offering directory submissions on their network of directories.

These offers are constantly popping up on the services section, but you need to keep in mind that the quality of these free directory submitters is pretty skeptical in most cases. Just because they are submitting doesn't guarantee approvals. So you need to either find someone who can guarantee a high acceptance rate, or only pay per approval. Either way, these categories provide plenty of opportunities to outsource bulk submission work and to find a lot of free, high quality directories to submit too.

DMOZ is still the king of kings when it comes to directories whether you like it or not. So you might as well accept it, and better yet, realize that you can take advantage of DMOZ using the DMOZ deep mining technique. Got to tip my hat to Debra Mastaler on this one, as once upon a time I also failed to realize the power of this directory as a resource until she showed me the way at SES Toronto just a few months back.

Using the DMOZ deep mining technique, you can find plenty of highly relevant, niche-focused directories to submit too by drilling down through specific categories, or by drilling down by region. It's best to illustrate with a couple of examples:

E.g. #1 How to find niche specific directories

* Simply select the category which your niche falls under
* Drill down to your specific niche (e.g. travel, gardening, dentistry, etc.)
* Select the directories category, or occasionally the guides and directories category

E.g. #2 How to find regional business directories

* Select the regional category
* Select which region you want and then drill down by country and even city
* Then select the business directories category

This strategy may seem very simple, because it is! But, just because it's simple doesn't mean it's not powerful. Keep in mind that these are all DMOZ listed directories, so they must have at least some quality. Either way, it's one of the fastest ways to find highly specific niche directories by both category and region.

By utilizing these strategies in unison, you can really cover a wide range of both general and niche specific directories. Whether you focus on the paid or free directories really depends on your time and budget. But before you run off and start submitting your site to every directory you can find, you need to be able to evaluate the power of specific directories. Only then will you know whether it's worth the money, or in some cases time, to submit to these directories.

SEO Toronto Canada internet marketing company offers search engine optimization, search engine marketing Canada, and social media marketing.

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Directory submissions are still one of the most powerful and safest link building strategies in existence.

SEO Toronto, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, SEO, SEM, Social Media Marketing

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