Monday, November 24, 2008

Link Bid Directories: Better Content, Bigger Sales

Link Bid Directories: Better Content, Bigger Sales by Audrey Cross

Search engines are one of the most useful tools in the promotion of websites, allowing users to search by keyword for specific web content and providing them with a broad list of results. Search engines are definitely not the only venue available, though, nor are they the most efficient and reliable source for providing quality search results. Link directories, specifically link bid directories, offer a number of incentives that search engines simply cannot provide, one of the most important being a human touch and a direct editing of the directory’s content. On the whole, link directories provide real results for the owner’s and managers of sites who specifically wish to gain an upper hand in traffic and sales.

Basics of Link Directories

Simply stated, a link directory is an organized catalog of website links. Directories are usually based on specific subject matter; for example, a particular link directory might publish links that only pertain to sites on fine art and dealers of fine art, and another link directory might publish links that pertain specifically to sites concerning New York City attractions. Additionally, directories can also categorize links by geographical region or popularity.

The motivation for a site owner to have a link posted within a link directory is for the strong exposure; those who search directories are usually inquiring more seriously than the individual who chooses to simply use a search engine. Thus, the hits on a given link are of much higher quality than hits from a search engine link, providing a site owner with more sales.

Different Kinds of Link Directories

Free Directories:

Free directories allow sites to post links free of charge. This is great for businesses that want to promote their sites but may have limited funds to do so. There are drawbacks, though: free directories are usually minimally moderated, therefore allowing SPAM and other unwanted links to fill it. A directory is only as good as its links, and when users find that many of the links present are SPAM, they will find elsewhere to search.

Paid Directories:

Before a company is granted space to post on a paid directory, they are charged a listing fee. This type of directory is usually of a much higher quality than free directories, simply because the links present are on topic and are much more precise according to the category. Paid directories also have staffs who oversee the operation of the sites, cutting down on links that are of inferior quality.

Paid Link Directories:

Paid link directories offer advantages over other types of directories in that they are moderated the most by site staff, thus providing a greater quality of links for users and a greater amount of quality site hits for businesses. Additionally, paid link directories offer businesses the opportunity of having a say in their page rank, which is determined by the amount that the business gives. Once a business bids on a rank, the bid is open—allowing a bid to be placed at any time and giving the link’s owner ability to maintain a desired rank.

Placing Your Site On a Link Bid Directory

If you are considering subscribing to a specific link bid directory, then you stand to gain in three unique aspects: search engine performance, brand recognition, and traffic. Combined, these three facets can give your business the push that’s needed to not just survive in the virtual world, but to thrive and to contend with your strongest competitors. Utilizing search engines in garnering hits on your site is necessary, but by incorporating link directories along with your search engine rankings will give you the edge needed to become the successful business that you wish to be.

DirectoryBid is a new breed of human edited web directory that allows website owners to bid for placement in their directory. Get your site listed exactly where you want to be in the category you desire today.

Article Source:

directory, web directory, link bid, link bid directory, bid link, bid link directory, human edit, link directory


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