Sunday, November 2, 2008

Starting Out On eBay

Starting Out On eBay by Mark Inglis

History Of eBay

eBay is a name that needs no explanation, it is a phenomenon that has expanded with the internet age.

Ebay, a symbol of the now infamous internet revolution has been going for over ten years. What started out as a graduates hobby and made him an over night billionaire when it went public is much more than just a business. It has inspired thousands of people around the world to start their own businesses and is the internet success story.

The fundamental purpose of eBay is the online auction. Any goods can be sold and bought from all four corners of the globe and it connects people at all levels.

As a business model, the online auction is a quite simple idea; the individuals who are interested in purchasing a product bid on it until time runs out with the highest bidder winning. The length of the auction is set by the seller at the start of the auction and the eBay software ihas been developed to make the whole process as safe and easy as possible.

Although eBay is not the only auction site it is different in the fact that eBay does not actually sell any of its products. It acts as an intermediary for other peoples products (eBay customers). It makes its money by listing charges and end of auction fees together with the subscription charges for its online stores.

Online auctions differ in other auctions in the fact that it allows 24 hour bidding to occur around the globe. As it worldwide the amount of people whom can view an auction can be massive. eBay can become a similar addiction as gambling for many people as they focus solely on winning the auction what ever the item is that they are bidding on.

The advantages of an eBay business over other businesses are that you have a massive marketplace, with no initial startup costs, little financial risk and low overheads. As your eBay store is open around the clock it is possible to sell items whilst your tucked up in bed. It is also possible to run your business from home or anywhere around the world if you are on vacation.

So how do you start your eBay business?

This may appear to many to be a little odd but once you have opened an eBay account I would recommend buying something on eBay. This way you will begin to develop an understanding of how the aucdtion site operates. It does not have to be a costly item, just something that will allow you to begin using the eBay system.

Copyright (c) 2008 8 Keys To eBay Success

For information and advice on your ebay trading visit
Here you will find professional guidance on how to be successful trading on ebay.

Article Source:

This article explains what eBay is and starts to explain how to set up and successfully run your own online home business.


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