Monday, November 24, 2008

Who Doesn't Shop Online Anymore?

Who Doesn't Shop Online Anymore? by Jay Gaulard

With approximately 1.4 billion people on the Internet and most of them having a credit card, debit card, or a PayPal account, shopping online is extremely easy. Individuals have access to products and services from all around the world. If you live in Florida, you can buy something from England and have it in just a matter of days. It is amazing how our world has evolved toward this method of shopping.

As for when online shopping became so easy, it started in the mid to late 1990s. It is amazing to think that less than 20 years ago the Internet was hardly in anyone's home. It is amazing to think that within a 5 to 6 year period of having old monochrome computers, people were buying books, clothes, and other items off of the Internet. All they had to have was a credit card.

Evolution at its finest

The Internet could be described as evolution at its finest because it evolved so quickly. Some individuals were leery about doing online transactions because they didn't feel they were very secure. It is true that transactions at the beginning of the age of online shopping weren't as secure as they are now. Now there have been certain security measures put in place and those security measures have made it quite difficult to steal someone's information.

So here we are now and we buy everything off of the Internet. We go to online stores and we buy used items off of people at classified ad sites like we're buying something used at a yard sale. Classified ads are sort of like a virtual yard sale. You just don't get the item immediately. The same goes for shopping at online stores. You may not get the item immediately, but you don't have to get dressed. You can shop online in your underwear if you want to. You also don't have to worry about wasting the gas driving around.

Saves time and money

Many merchants will offer incentives for shopping online. You'll see deals such as "Buy it in our store and get it for $19.99. Buy it on our website and get it for $16.99." You can even get bulk discounts that you would not get in their store. This has led a lot of people to shop online. The merchants are literally pushing people to shop online by offering these special deals. They do, however, tell them that they can buy it online and exchange it in the store if they don't like it. This type of business is literally genius. The company is pulling money off of the Internet and they are also pulling more business into their stores. As for the benefit to the shopper, time and money are saved. Furthermore, everything is done in the comfort of the home and everything is shipped to the home in a matter of days.

Just look at the holidays. Individuals will go online and search through online auction sites, classified ads, and merchant sites to find the best gifts. Anymore it seems as if everyone does most of their shopping online. This is because they can do it at work, at school, and they can even do it while sitting in a coffee shop. Go back 20 or even 15 years and no one would have ever fathomed that this phenomenon would go this far. No one would ever fathom that some of the most successful businesses in the world do business primarily on the Internet because they can reach a worldwide audience. They could not have done that 15 or 20 years ago. Most people did not start shopping online until the late 1990s and early 2000s. Even then there was still that doubt that the transactions were secure.

The Internet spells success

The Internet has spelled success for many businesspeople. Whether you're trying to make a few extra bucks on an online classified site or you are building your own company online, the right marketing will take you a long way. The marketing is something else that makes online shopping such an incredible industry. Actually, online shopping is officially referred to as "e-commerce" and it is so huge. When marketing, there are many marketing methods out there on the Internet that are affordable and sometimes free. It is important to take advantage of all of those because the Internet is one competitive place. When you open an online business, you are competing with the rest of the world. That is a lot of competition, so you have to stand out from the rest.

You see, you have people shopping with the big companies and you need to prove to them that you have something to offer. You have to make people want to shop with you. It can be done. You can utilize all sorts of different methods. Think about ways in which you have been led to websites in the past. What led you there? Maybe you were bidding on an online auction and the link to their online store was on the item's page. Maybe you were on a classified ad site and someone was advertising their business. Whatever way they got you there, you need to use that as well. You can even find new ways to market your business. There is always a way to make things work and you will. Those websites that are successful are those that develop new ways of getting the word out.

It will continue to evolve

The Internet seems overwhelming the way it is when it comes to online shopping. Just imagine how it is going to continue to evolve. It is probably hard to imagine because we can't really see it getting any better than it is. The truth is that it is going to get better and we're going to continue to be amazed. If you're amazed now, just wait another ten years and see what will happen. We might be able to think about a product, place our thumb on a thumbprint reader, and make a purchase right then and there. We just don't know, but time will certainly tell.

Jay Gaulard writes for a wide selection of websites on various topics. He is a veteran of the internet and has come to be respected in his many areas of expertise. This article was written on behalf of , a popular free classifieds website.

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